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Non-verbal and verbal communication-body language ; Komunikimi joverbal dhe verbal gjuha e trupit

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  • Additional Information
    • Publication Information:
      Instituti Pedagogjik i Kosovës
    • Publication Date:
    • Abstract:
      The creation of the theory of language communication, in the context of communication sciences, belongs to a recent time of the development of scientific language (linguistic) thinking, since it is built more or less on the basis of the accomplishments of the other fields of knowledge, not only with societal character,which are close to it, but also to those with exact and applicable character. According to researches out of communication sciences, body movements comprise 55% of broadcasting the message, words 7% and 38% of the message is given by the use of voice. Body language has quickly exceeded the context of scientific researches. And today we can state that it has found huge applications in contemporary marketing, in politics, sociology, advertising or criminology. What is special about nonverbal communication is the fact that we send messages to others even against our will. For example we often blush or sweat involuntarily. Even in many cases these messages are in complete contradiction with what we say in words. Only about a quarter of people are able to identify the elements of body language that they themselves use in everyday life. ; Lindja e teorisё sё komunikimit gjuhёsor nё kuadrin e shkencave tё komunikimit i pёrket njё kohe tё vonёt tё zhvillimit tё mendimit shkencor gjuhësor, meqё ёshtё ndёrtuar pak a shumё mbi bazёn e arritjeve tё fushave tё tjera tё dijes, jo vetёm me karakter shoqёror, tё afёrta me tё, por edhe me ato me karakter tё pёrpiktё e zbatimor. Sipas kërkimeve nga shkencat e komunikimit lëvizjet trupore përbëjnë 55% të transmetimit të mesazhit, fjalët 7% dhe 38% e mesazhit jepet nga përdorimi i zërit. Gjuha e trupit ka tejkaluar shpejt kuadrin e kërkimeve shkencore. E sot mund të themi se ka gjetur zbatime të mëdha në marketingun bashkëkohorë, në politikë, sociologji, reklama apo kriminalistikë. Ajo që është e veçantë te komunikimi joverbal është fakti që ne u dërgojmë mesazhe të tjerëve dhe kundër vullnetit tonë. ne shpesh skuqemi apo djersitemi në mënyrë të pavullnetshme. ...
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    • Rights:
      Copyright (c) 2015 Instituti Pedagogjik i Kosovës ;
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