Abstract: This study is a content analysis of selected federally funded leadership preparation program evaluation proposals for the 2008, 2009, and 2010 School Leadership Program grants. The United States Department of Education (USDE) began awarding funding in 2002 to develop and implement preparation programs for aspiring and current assistant principals and principals. These innovative leadership preparation programs are expected to influence school leaders in a way that enables them to positively impact student achievement and the schools they serve. In order to determine effectiveness, each grant proposal puts forth a comprehensive program evaluation designed to measure the grant's adherence to the program's articulated outcomes. The review and analysis of these program evaluation proposals are offered as a baseline to build upon in understanding how leadership preparation programs are being evaluated. The following themes were found from the analysis of the program evaluation content: development of methods and tools limited, evaluation theory not explicit, data sources and analysis underdeveloped, specific evaluators identified but varying degree of specificity for timelines, and intent of program evaluations exceeded minimum requirements.
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