Abstract: The Life Engagement Test (LET) consists of a fast instrument to measure the extent to which individuals identify and participate in valued activities and, therefore, engage in life. It is also a fundamental component of psychological well-being. This study aims to validate the Spanish version of the Life Engagement Test (LET-ES). First, the LET was translated using back-translation methodology, after which a pilot study was tested on 41 individuals. Then, the final version of the LET-ES was administered to a convenience sample of 436 Spanish participants (67,7 % female; 59,6 % aged 18 to 35 years old) to assess its reliability and validity. A subset of 138 participants (70,5 % female, 59,7 % aged 18 to 35 years old) completed a retest. Confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis (Cronbach's alpha, McDonald's omega), test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient), measurement invariance across gender and age, as well as convergent validity analyses were conducted. Results confirmed the one-factor structure of the LET-ES. Cronbach's alpha, McDonald's omega, and test-retest analysis yielded satisfactory reliability of the scale. Measurement invariance was established for gender, but not for age. Finally, convergent validity was supported by significant and positive correlations between the LET-ES scores and psychological well-being variables (i.e., purpose in life, satisfaction with life), and significant negative correlations between the LET-ES and psychological discomfort variables (i.e. stress, anxiety, depression). In conclusion, the Spanish version of the LET is a valid and reliable measure to assess life engagement among the Spanish population. ; This research has been co-financed by the Generalitat and the European Social Fund within the framework of the collaboration agreement between the Generalitat Valenciana, through the Department of Education, Culture, Universities and Employment, and the Universitat Jaume I for the promotion of doctorates in collaboration with companies ...
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