Abstract: International audience ; Cities around the world face new challenges of food security, and are developing urban food policies. Their objective is to integrate hunger problems with the aims of a food system based on environmental, economic and social sustainability. In this study a comparative analysis of the urban food policies' actions is conducted, as envisaged in cities around the world. The methodology is based on the community detection method through network analysis, in which the number of actions cities have in common defines their adjacency in the network. The Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, which is a unique city platform worldwide, was used to select the cities and to analyse the actions in them, as classified into six main topics: ensuring and enabling an environment for effective action; sustainable diets and nutrition; social and economic equity; food production; food supply and distribution; and food waste. Three clusters are thus identified: i) agriculture for food security; ii) governance and food economy; and iii) sustainable and healthy consumption. This research provides a description of the main focuses of current policies, and their main political differences. The study may therefore also help improve future development.
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