Abstract: The purpose of this study was to systematically review the published data of in vitro studies, testing the effect of instrumentation kinematics from various systems on fracture resistance of extracted roots. A comprehensive literature search was performed by using Pubmed, Web Of Science and Embase. A hand search of the reference lists of identified articles was also performed. Studies were critically assessed for eligibility against inclusion and exclusion criteria’s. Evaluation of the risk of bias was performed. A total of 14 studies were assessed for eligibility. Of these, 7 met the inclusion criteria and were included. All studies had medium or high risk of bias. Most of the studies reported no significant difference on root fracture resistance between groups instrumented with continuous rotation and groups instrumented with reciprocal motion. One study concluded that the WaveOne® group (reciprocity) was significantly less resistant than Protaper® NEXT and Endostar® E5 groups (continuous rotation). Most of the studies concluded that no matter the instrumentation kinematics, root fracture resistance was significantly lower than non-instrumented control group. Several flaws have been identified in the included studies, there was no standardized protocol and heterogeneity was found in the methodologies of included studies. Within the limits of this review, instrumentation kinematics alone doesn’t seem to make a difference on root fracture resistance. Other factors like taper and alloy seems more important and should be explored in future studies. A standardized protocol for in vitro studies testing root fracture resistance should be elaborated. ; L’objectif de cette revue systématique était d’analyser les données des études in vitro évaluant l’effet de la dynamique de mouvement instrumentale sur la résistance à la fracture radiculaire verticale. Une recherche électronique a été effectuée sur les bases de données Pubmed, Web Of Science et Embase complété d’une recherche manuelle à partir des références des ...
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