Abstract: The AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a sensor of cellular energy status activated by increases in AMP or ADP relative to ATP. Once activated, it phosphorylates targets that promote ATP-generating catabolic pathways or inhibit ATP-consuming anabolic pathways, helping to restore cellular energy balance. Analysis of human cancer genome studies reveals that the PRKAA2 gene (encoding the α2 isoform of the catalytic subunit) is often subject to mis-sense mutations in cancer, particularly in melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers, where up to 70 mis-sense mutations have been documented, often accompanied by loss of the tumour suppressor NF1. Recently it has been reported that knockout of PRKAA2 in NF1-deficient melanoma cells promoted anchorage-independent growth in vitro, as well as growth as xenografts in immunodeficient mice in vivo, suggesting that AMPK-α2 can act as a tumour suppressor in that context. However, very few of the mis-sense mutations in PRKAA2 that occur in human skin cancer and melanoma have been tested to see whether they cause loss-of-function. We have addressed this by making most of the reported mutations and testing their activity when expressed in AMPK knockout cells. Of 55 different mis-sense mutations (representing 75 cases), 9 (12%) appeared to cause a total loss of activity, 18 (24%) a partial loss, 11 (15%) an increase in phenformin-stimulated kinase activity, while just 37 (49%) had no clear effect on kinase activity. This supports the idea that AMPK-α2 acts as a tumour suppressor in the context of human skin cancer.
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