Abstract: IntroductionThe increasing demand for consuming highly nutritional value foods based on fruits or vegetables in combination with “beneficial” lactic acid bacteria (LAB) expands the research on developing novel functional non-diary delivery vectors.MethodsIn this study, the native Lactiplantibacillus plantarum UTNCys5-4 (Cys5-4) and commercial Lactiplantibacillus plantarum ATCC8014 (LP) strains have been targeted for probiotic properties in a novel designed tropical beverage containing yellow passionfruit (maracuyá) and coconut (MC). Furthermore, the quality of the newly fortified beverages, MCA (MC + Cys5-4) and MCB (MC + LP), was evaluated, along with their antimicrobial activity against two foodborne pathogens.ResultsThe results showed greater cell viability of Cys5-4 (8.84 ×107 CFU/ml), whereas a statistically significant (p
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