Abstract: Background. Tuberculosis influences female health significantly. Aim of the study: to analyze social and clinical characteristics of tuberculosis in women with different mycobacterium tuberculosis drug susceptibility residing in Grodno region and to assess the effectiveness of the therapy. Material and methods. The subjects of the study were 203 female patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. The 1st group included 114 female patients with rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis. The 2nd group was made up of 89 female patients with drug-susceptible disease. Results. The 1st group as compared with the 2nd one included significantly more reproductive and working age females, those aged 40-49 years, as well as patients with alcohol dependence syndrome and fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis. By the end of inpatient treatment in the 1st group negative sputum culture was obtained in 74.6% cases and “successful treatment” – only in 47.4% patients. By the end of inpatient treatment in the 2nd group abacillation was achieved in 91.2% patients and “successful treatment” – in 84.3%. Conclusions. Tuberculosis in women of Grodno region is a medical and social problem.
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