Abstract: Managing energy demand across the European Union is critical for our economy and for the wellbeing of citizens in the longer term. This requires not only the introduction of new technologies for improved energy efficiency, but also changes in attitudes and behaviour across the widest possible sections of society. Children’s attitudes and behaviour are shaped from a young age, and what they learn in and out of school will stay with them for life. They also have a major effect on their families and friends. Initiatives to teach young people the effects of energy use and ideas to reduce consumption can therefore have both immediate and long-lasting benefits. This brochure shows, with examples from across the EU, what can be done through addressing energy efficiency issues in educational initiatives for young people in schools and the wider community. The brochure is targeted at school authorities at local, regional and national level, local authorities with responsibility for energy demand management, training organisations, teachers and their associations, and local and regional energy agencies. We hope it will act as an inspiration for all these actors to ‘think globally and act locally’ to develop their own educational initiatives for an energy-effcient future
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