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Amerikas Förenta Staters Författning.

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  • Additional Information
    • Geographic Terms:
      United States.
    • Company/Entity:
      United States. Constitution.
    • Notes:
      "Reprint of the translation of the U.S. Constitution and Amendments 1 through 19 from V.A. Rinander, trans., Amerikas Forenta Staters Forfattning, volume 2 of Frammande Grundlagar samt Vallagar och Parlamentariska Arbets ordningar i svensk oversattning (Stockholm, 1921), with the permission of the publishers Almqvist & Wiksell."--Page 2 of cover.
      "Compiled by Marie-Louise H. Bernal"--Page 3 of cover.
      Includes bibliographical references (page 23).
      Text in Swedish; title in Swedish and English.
    • Other Titles:
      Constitution of the United States.
      Constitution of the United States of America in various foreign languages: SwedishConstitution of the United States.
    • LCCN:
    • OCLC:
    • Other Identifiers:
      US GPO item number: 0818-J-06 (online)
      Gov. Doc: LC 42.20:C 76/4/SWEDISH
    • Accession Number: