Abstract: The principles that stood at the base of the educational policy in Romania during the first interwar decade, discussed and analyzed by the politicians of that time, by the decision-makers, teachers, parents, specialists etc., occupied frequently the columns of the newspapers. Thus, this study tries to emphasize the “ echo” of the government policy on education in the written press, and to show what media considered as being relevant in terms of education in the period of 1919-1929. The study reveals and confirms the opposition of political parties ; it is noticeable that while liberals praised in the “ media house” the steps, actions and projects proposed by liberal ministers, the members of the Peasants Party were criticizing those actions. Unfortunately, the controversial reactions do not occur and do not remain only in the “ quadrant” of the press, but they sometimes put their mark on the educational process, which not infrequently had suffered. Overall, however, despite divergences and critical attitudes, an important place in the concerns of those who had the power to legislate was occupied by the desire to create an education adapted to the specific conditions of our country, an education that takes into account the circumstance in which the Romanian state develops and the needs that had to be met.
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