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Zaznamovanost s samomorom v pripovedovanju življenja: Stekleni zvon Sylvie Plath in Charlotte Davida Foenkinosa ; The mark of suicide in life-writing: The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath and Charlotte by David Foenkinos

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  • Additional Information
    • Contributors:
      Matajc, Vanesa
    • Publication Date:
    • Collection:
      University of Ljubljana: Repository (RUJ) / Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani
    • Abstract:
      Diplomska naloga obravnava tematiko samomora, ko se pojavlja v besedilih, osredotočenih na pripovedovanje življenja. S tem namenom se posveča romanu Stekleni zvon Sylvie Plath, ki bi ga lahko uvrstili na področje avtofikcije, ter romanu Charlotte Davida Foenkinosa, ki se s pisanjem življenja spopada na nekoliko drugačen način ; pisatelj namreč literarizira t.i. avtobiografsko delo Leben? Oder Theater? (Življenje? Ali gledališče?) Charlotte Salomon, nemško-judovske slikarke, ki je leta 1943 kot žrtev holokavsta umrla v Auschwitzu. Za lažje razumevanje tekstov se naloga sprva posveča teoretskemu pogledu na življenjepisje, zlasti skozi prizmo teoretskih del Philippa Lejeuna, Paula de Mana, Marka Juvana in Andree Zlatar Violić, nato pa prevpraša tudi teorijo literarnosti in identitete, s katero se ukvarja Jonathan Culler. Na področju samomora se naloga, poleg kratke analize samomora v literaturi, ki sledi delu Grigorija Čhartišvilija posveča vprašanju slutnje ter zaznamovanosti s samomorom v omenjenih romanih, nekoliko pa tudi v širšem kontekstu življenjepisja. ; This thesis examines the themes of suicide in texts pertaining to life-writing. To do so, it analyses the novels The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath that could be categorised as autofiction and Charlotte by David Foenkinos, where the author approaches life-writing in a different manner, as he novelises the autobiographical Gesamtkunstwerk Leben? Oder Theater? (Life? Or Theatre?) by Charlotte Salomon, a German-Jewish painter that died in Auschwitz in 1943 as a victim of the Holocaust. To gain a better understanding of the two texts, the thesis first tries to clarify the theoretical aspect of life-writing and autobiography as qualified in the works of Philippe Lejeune, Paul de Man, Marko Juvan and Andrea Zlatar Violić. Furthermore, it also interrogates the theory of literariness, identity and identification as examined by Jonathan Culler. Finally, it shortly analyses the presence and impact of suicide in literature and tries to clarify the problematic of premonition as well as the question of how a literary subject might be marked by suicide in the wider context, all through the prism of Grigory Chkhartishvili’s work.
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