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Academic Journal

The convivial and the pastoral in patient–doctor relationships:a multi-country study of patient stories of care, choice and medical authority in cancer diagnostic processes

Subjects: cancer experiences; care; choice

  • Source: MacArtney , J I , Andersen , R S , Malmström , M , Rasmussen , B & Ziebland , S 2020 , ' The convivial and the pastoral in patient–doctor relationships : a

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Academic Journal

Connective and Tactfully Tactical:Connective Tactics and Professional Authority in Doctor-Patient Relationships

  • Source: Larsen , L T & Cecchini , M 2023 , ' Connective and Tactfully Tactical : Connective Tactics and Professional Authority in Doctor-Patient Relationships ' , Social Science

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Academic Journal

Interpreting Technology:Use and non-use of doctor-patient video consultations in Danish general practice

Subjects: telemedicin; video-konsultation; almen praksis

  • Source: Lüchau , E C , Atherton , H , Olesen , F , Søndergaard , J & Hvidt , E A 2023 , ' Interpreting Technology : Use and non-use of doctor-patient video consultations in

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Academic Journal

Oralizations in e-mail consultations::A study of general practitioners’ use of non-verbal cues in written doctor–patient communication

  • Source: Nordtug , M T , Møller , J E , Matthiesen , S S & Brøgger , M N 2021 , ' Oralizations in e-mail consultations: A study of general practitioners’ use of non-verbal cues in written

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Academic Journal

Complexity and simplicity in doctor-patient email consultations

  • Source: Møller , J E , Fage-Butler , A & Brøgger , M N 2021 , ' Complexity and simplicity in doctor-patient email consultations ' , Conjunctions : transdisciplinary journal of

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Academic Journal

Li Wenliang, a face to the frontline healthcare worker. The first doctor to notify the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2, (COVID-19), outbreak

  • Source: Petersen , E , Hui , D , Hamer , D H , Blumberg , L , Madoff , L C , Pollack , M , Lee , S S , McLellan , S , Memish , Z , Praharaj , I , Wasserman , S , Ntoumi , F , Azhar , E I , Mchugh , T D , Kock

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Academic Journal

The infrastructure of telecare:Implications for nursing tasks and the nurse-doctor relationship

Subjects: Livslang læring; Arbejdsliv; Arbejdspladslæring

  • Source: Nickelsen , N C M 2019 , ' The infrastructure of telecare : Implications for nursing tasks and the nurse-doctor relationship ' , Sociology of Health and Illness , vol.

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Academic Journal

Doctor, Ease My Mind! Associations between Cancer Patients’ Emotional Distress and Their Perception of Patient-Centeredness during Oncology Consultations

  • Source: Nielsen , B K , Mehlsen , M Y , Jensen , A B & Zachariae , B 2017 , ' Doctor, Ease My Mind! Associations between Cancer Patients’ Emotional Distress and Their

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Academic Journal

No Third Parties. The Medical Profession Reclaims Authority in Doctor-Patient Relationships

  • Source: Larsen , L T 2016 , ' No Third Parties. The Medical Profession Reclaims Authority in Doctor-Patient Relationships ' , Professions and Professionalism , vol. 6 , no. 2 ,

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Academic Journal

Co-registration of optical coherence tomography and X-ray angiography in percutaneous coronary intervention:The Does Optical Coherence Tomography Optimize Revascularization (DOCTOR) fusion study

  • Source: Hebsgaard , L , Nielsen , T M , Tu , S , Krusell , L R , Maeng , M , Veien , K T , Raungaard , B , Terkelsen , C J , Kaltoft , A , Reiber , J H C , Lassen , J F , Christiansen , E H & Holm , N R 2014

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