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Academic Journal

Bees visiting the broad bean (Vicia faba L.) and the impact of border planting on their abundance and the yield improvement in Ismailia, Egypt

Subjects: Pollination; Border plants; Yield improvement

  • Source: Ecological Questions; Vol. 35 No. 2 (2024): Forthcoming; 1-13 ; Ecological Questions; Tom 35 Nr 2 (2024): Forthcoming; 1-13 ; 1644-7298

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Academic Journal

Russia Under the Pyramids. The Significance of Russia-Egypt Relations Under Vladimir Putin

Subjects: Russia; Egypt; USA

  • Source: Historia i Polityka; Nr 26 (33) (2018); 9-27 ; 2391-7652 ; 1899-5160

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Academic Journal

„Rise, take the child and his mother, flee to Egypt…” (Matt 2,13). But why to Egypt?

Subjects: Joseph; patriarchs; Moses

  • Source: Theology and Man; Vol. 28 No. 4 (2014); 163-184 ; Teologia i Człowiek; Tom 28 Nr 4 (2014); 163-184 ; 2391-7598 ; 1731-5638

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Academic Journal

Congress of the Polish Chamber of Tourism - Egypt 2017

Subjects: Congress; tourism; Egypt

  • Source: Journal of Education, Health and Sport; Tom 7 Nr 12 (2017); 53-76 ; Journal of Education, Health and Sport; Vol. 7 No. 12 (2017); 53-76 ; 2391-8306

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Academic Journal

The Grand Designs of Gilbert of Assailly. The Order of the Hospital in the Projected Conquest of Egypt by King Amalric of Jerusalem (1168–1169)

Subjects: Military Orders; Order of the Hospital; Egypt

  • Source: Ordines Militares. Colloquia Torunensia Historica; Bd. 20 (2015); 7-24 ; Ordines Militares Colloquia Torunensia Historica. Yearbook for the Study of the Military Orders; Vol. 20 (2015); 7-24 ; Ordines

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Academic Journal

Divine Wrath in Ancient Egypt

Subjects: ancient Egypt; divine wrath; religion

  • Source: Études et Travaux; Nr 31 (2018); 27-65 ; 2449-9579 ; 2084-6762

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