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Subjects: Chemexfoliation; Chemical peeling; Ex vivo skin explant
Conneely , M J , Namkoong , J , Allison , F , Hirata Tsutsumi , S K , Grussu , D , Willis , R , Henderson , K , Campbell , P A , Moy , M , Lesniak , E , Wu , J & Hickerson , R P 2025 , ' A Tensioned
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Subjects: AMPK; melanoma; point mutations
Ross , F A , Hawley , S A , Russell , F M , Goodman , N & Hardie , D G 2023 , ' Frequent loss-of-function mutations in the AMPK-α2 catalytic subunit suggest a tumour suppressor role in
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Subjects: Correspondence; Research letter; /dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/2700/2708
Hickerson , R P , Conneely , M P , Tsutsumi , S K H , Wood , K , Jackson , D N , Ibbotson , S H & Eadie , E 2021 , ' Minimal, superficial DNA damage in human
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Subjects: optical coherence elastography; surface acoustic wave; in-vivo human skin
Feng , Z , Zhang , Y , Jiang , W , Wang , W , Li , C & Huang , Z 2024 , ' Effects of Excitation Angle on Air-Puff-Stimulated Surface Acoustic Wave-Based Optical Coherence Elastography (SAW-OCE) ' ,
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Subjects: Skin microbiome; Ichthyosis vulgaris; Atopic dermatitis
Zeeuwen , P L J M , Ederveen , T H A , van der Krieken , D A , Niehues , H , Boekhorst , J , Kezic , S , Hanssen , D A T , Otero , M E , van Vlijmen-Willems , I M J J , Rodijk-Olthuis , D , Falcone ,
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Subjects: cell adhesion; cell proliferation; oxygen plasma nanotexturing
Bourkoula , A , Constantoudis , V , Kontziampasis , D , Petrou , P S , Kakabakos , S E , Tserepi , A & Gogolides , E 2016 , ' Roughness threshold for cell attachment and proliferation on plasma
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Subjects: /dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/2700/2713; name=Epidemiology; /dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/2700/2730
Dinkova-Kostova , A T , Fahey , J W , Wade , K L , Jenkins , S N , Shapiro , T A , Fuchs , E J , Kerns , M L & Talalay , P 2007 , ' Induction of the phase 2 response in mouse and
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Subjects: /dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/2700/2708; name=Dermatology
Smith , G , Ibbotsom , S H , Comrie , M M , Dawe , R S , Bryden , A , Ferguson , J & Wolf , C R 2006 , ' Corrigendum : Regulation of cutaneous drug-metabolizing enzymes and cytoprotective gene
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Subjects: glucocorticoid receptor; head and neck cancer; mifepristone
Iftikhar , A , Shepherd , S , Jones , S & Ellis , I 2024 , ' Effect of Mifepristone on Migration and Proliferation of Oral Cancer Cells ' , International Journal of Molecular Sciences , vol. 25 , no.
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