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Characterization of hydrodynamic and pollutant removal processes inside swales - a pilot study ; Caractérisation des processus hydrodynamiques et épuratoires au sein des noues - étude de noues pilote

Subjects: Experimental pilot; Hydrodynamics; Pollutant RemovalLYON; France

  • Source: Actes de Novatech 2016 ; 9ème Conférence internationale Novatech 2016 ; ; 9ème Conférence internationale Novatech 2016, Jun 2016, LYON, France. 8p

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Contribution of domestic water to urban pollutant flows: characterization and solutions for source control

Subjects: [SDE]Environmental SciencesParis; France

  • Source: Second international conference on water, megacities and global change ; ; Second international conference on water, megacities and global change, Dec 2020, Paris,

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Experimental Study of Pollutant Transfer within Dwellings

Subjects: Ventilation principle; pollutant transfer; experimentHelsinki; Finland

  • Source: Proceedings of Roomvent 2007 ; Roomvent 2007: 10th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms ; ; Roomvent 2007: 10th International Conference on Air

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Indoor air pollutant sources using blind source separation methods

Subjects: [MATH.MATH-ST]Mathematics [math]/Statistics [math.ST]; [INFO.INFO-AI]Computer Science [cs]/Artificial Intelligence [cs.AI]; [SDE.IE]Environmental Sciences/Environmental EngineeringBruges; Belgium

  • Source: 25th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning. European Symposium on Artificial Neural

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Experimental Validation of a Numerical Multizone Airflow and Pollutant Transfer Model

Subjects: Ventilation systems; Multi-zone airflow model; ValidationAntalya; Turkey

  • Source: Proceedings of the 10th REHVA WORLD CONGRESS “Sustainable Energy Use in Buildings” ; 10th REHVA WORLD CONGRESS “Sustainable Energy Use in Buildings” ; ; 10th

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