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Search Results

  • 1-10 of  19 results for ""Climatic variability""
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Dissertation/ Thesis

Role of the oceans in the climatic variability of the African monsoon ; Le rôle des océans dans la variabilité climatique de la mousson africaine

Subjects: Climate teleconnection; Monsoon - Africa; Sahel

  • Source: ; Sciences de la Terre. Université Paris-Est, 2008. Français. ⟨NNT : 2008PEST0264⟩.

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Academic Journal

Toward a redefinition of agricultural drought periods : a case study in a Mediterranean semi-arid region

Subjects: drought indices; remote sensing; run theory

  • Source: ISSN: 2072-4292 ; Remote Sensing ; ; Remote Sensing, 2023, 16 (1), pp.83. ⟨10.3390/rs16010083⟩.

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Small but essential in hydrogeochemical cycles: headwater mountain catchments

Subjects: [SDU.ENVI]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Continental interfaces; environmentOnline; France

  • Source: EGU General Assembly 2020 ; ; EGU General Assembly 2020, May 2020, Online, France. ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-20379⟩

Record details

  • 1-10 of  19 results for ""Climatic variability""