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Subjects: eDNA; Environmental DNA; pond
Reyne , M , Naaum , A M , Marnell , F , Reid , N & Helyar , S J 2021 , ' Development and validation of a quantitative qPCR assay for detecting Natterjack toad (Epidalea calamita) eDNA samples ' ,
Record details
Subjects: Microbiology; Bacteria; Detoxification
Naguib , M , Feldman , N , Zarodkiewicz , P , Shropshire , H , Biamis , C , El-Halfawy , O M , McCain , J , Dezanet , C , Décout , J-L , Chen , Y , Cosa , G & Valvano , M A 2022 , ' An evolutionary
Record details
Subjects: Conservation; Detection; Environmental DNA
Carlsson , J E L , Egan , D , Collins , P C , Farrell , E D , Igoe , F & Carlsson , J 2017 , ' A qPCR MGB probe based eDNA assay for European freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera L.) '
Record details
Subjects: Chiton; Cryptic species; Haplotype network
Sigwart , J D & Chen , C 2017 , ' Life history, patchy distribution, and patchy taxonomy in a shallow-water invertebrate (Mollusca Polyplacophora: Lepidopleurida) ' , Marine Biodiversity .
Record details
Subjects: COX1; Europe; Microsatellite loci
Cross , M E , Bradley , C R , Cross , T F , Culloty , S , Lynch , S , McGinnity , P , O'Riordan , R M , Vartia , S & Prodöhl , P A 2016 , ' Genetic evidence supports recolonisation by Mya arenaria of
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Subjects: /dk/atira/pure/sustainabledevelopmentgoals/life_below_water; name=SDG 14 - Life Below Water
Glynn , F , Houghton , J D R , Bastian , T , Doyle , T K , Fuentes , V , Lilley , M K S & Provan , J 2016 , ' High-resolution genetic analysis reveals extensive gene flow within the jellyfish Pelagia
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Glynn , F , Houghton , J D R & Provan , J 2015 , ' Population genetic analyses reveal distinct geographical blooms of the jellyfish Rhizostoma octopus (Scyhpozoa) ' , Biological Journal of the Linnean
Record details
Subjects: Animals; DNA Barcoding; Taxonomic
Helyar , S J , Lloyd , H A D , de Bruyn , M , Leake , J , Bennett , N & Carvalho , G R 2014 , ' Fish product mislabelling: failings of traceability in the production chain and implications for
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