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Subjects: probiotic; anti-viral; anticancer
Balta , I , Butucel , E , Mohylyuk , V , Criste , A , Dezmirean , D S , Stef , L , Pet , I & Corcionivoschi , N 2021 , ' Novel Insights into the Role of Probiotics in
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Subjects: aquaculture; mannan-oligosaccharide; penaeid shrimp
Sathitkowitchai , W , Sathapondecha , P , Angthong , P , Srimarut , Y , Malila , Y , Nakkongkam , W , Chaiyapechara , S , Karoonuthaisiri , N , Keawsompong , S & Rungrassamee , W 2022 , ' Isolation
Record details
Subjects: Probiotics; Microbiota; Preterm infants
Martı , M , Spreckels , J E , Ranasinghe , P D , Wejryd , E , Marchin , G , Ekstrom , E S , Jenmalm , M C & Abrahamsson , T 2021 , ' Effects of Lactobacillus reuteri supplementation on the gut
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Rashwan , A K , Osman , A I & Chen , W 2023 , ' Natural nutraceuticals for enhancing yogurt properties: a review ' , Environmental Chemistry Letters .
Record details
Subjects: Probiotic; Lactobacillus rhamnosus; 3D printing
Rosas-Val , P , Adhami , M , Brotons-Canto , A , Gamazo , C , Irache , J M & Larrañeta , E 2023 , ' 3D printing of microencapsulated Lactobacillus rhamnosus for oral delivery ' , International
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Subjects: Bacteria - genetics; Genomics; Metagenome - genetics
Liu , S , Moon , C D , Zheng , N , Huws , S , Zhao , S & Wang , J 2022 , ' Opportunities and challenges of using metagenomic data to bring uncultured microbes into cultivation ' , Microbiome , vol. 10
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Subjects: Gut development; Health; Microbial colonization
Arshad , M A , Hassan , F U , Rehman , M S , Huws , S A , Cheng , Y & Din , A U 2021 , ' Gut microbiome colonization and development in neonatal ruminants: Strategies, prospects, and opportunities ' ,
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