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Subjects: Biochemistry; Genetics and Molecular Biology (all); Immunology and Microbiology (all)
Guzmán , G I , Sandberg , T E , LaCroix , R A , Nyerges , Á , Papp , H , de Raad , M , King , Z A , Hefner , Y , Northen , T R , Notebaart , R A , Pál , C , Palsson , B O , Papp , B & Feist , A M
Record details
Subjects: Medicine; Science; Cell Wall
Welner , D H , Shin , D , Tomaleri , G P , DeGiovanni , A M , Tsai , A Y-L , Tran , H M , Hansen , S F , Green , D T , Scheller , H V , Adams , P D & Hofmann , A (ed.) 2017 , ' Plant cell wall
Record details
Subjects: Computer Science Applications; Applied Mathematics; Modeling and Simulation
Chubukov , V , Desmarais , J J , Wang , G , Chan , L J G , Baidoo , E E K , Petzold , C J , Keasling , J D & Mukhopadhyay , A 2017 , ' Engineering glucose metabolism of escherichia coli under nitrogen
Record details
Subjects: Acute inflammatory system; HPA axis; Immune system
Bangsgaard , E O , Hjorth , P G , Olufsen , M S , Mehlsen , J & Ottesen , J T 2017 , ' Integrated Inflammatory Stress (ITIS) Model ' , Bulletin of Mathematical Biology ,
Record details
Subjects: Agricultural and Biological Sciences (all); Biochemistry; Genetics and Molecular Biology (all)
Brose , U , Blanchard , J L , Eklöf , A , Galiana , N , Hartvig , M , R. Hirt , M , Kalinkat , G , Nordström , M C , O'Gorman , E J , Rall , B C , Schneider , F D , Thébault , E & Jacob , U 2017 ,
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Subjects: Medicine (all); Biochemistry; Genetics and Molecular Biology (all)
Siriphap , A , Leekitcharoenphon , P , Kaas , R S , Theethakaew , C , Aarestrup , F M , Sutheinkul , O & Hendriksen , R S 2017 , ' Characterization and genetic variation of vibrio cholerae isolated
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Subjects: Chemistry (all); Biochemistry; Genetics and Molecular Biology (all)
Wang , Z , Monteiro , C D , Jagodnik , K M , Fernandez , N F , Gundersen , G W , Rouillard , A D , Jenkins , S L , Feldmann , A S , Hu , K S , McDermott , M G , Duan , Q , Clark , N R , Jones , M R ,
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Subjects: Medicine (all); Biochemistry; Genetics and Molecular Biology (all)
Korshoej , A R , Saturnino , G B , Rasmussen , L K , Von Oettingen , G , Sørensen , J C H , Thielscher , A & Debinski , W (ed.) 2016 , ' Enhancing predicted efficacy of tumor treating fields therapy
Record details
Subjects: Biochemistry; Genetics and Molecular Biology (all)
Sitnik , K M , Wendland , K , Weishaupt , H , Uronen-Hansson , H , White , A J , Anderson , G , Kotarsky , K & Agace , W W 2016 , ' Context-Dependent Development of Lymphoid Stroma from Adult CD34+
Record details
Subjects: Medicine (all); Biochemistry; Genetics and Molecular Biology (all)
Müller , J A , Wendt , D , Kollmeier , B & Brand , T 2016 , ' Comparing eye tracking with electrooculography for measuring individual sentence comprehension duration ' , P L o S One , vol. 11 , no.
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