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Subjects: Hexavalent chromium; Bath platers; Welding
Saber , A T , Levin , M , Kines , P , Aimonen , K , Givelet , L , Andersen , C , Huusom , A J , Carøe , T , Ebbehøj , N E , Christensen , F M , Jiang , Z , Lundh , T , Tinnerberg , H , Albin , M ,
Record details
Subjects: Carbon black; Engineered nanomaterials; Secondary genotoxicity
Di Ianni , E , Møller , P , Cholakova , T , Wolff , H , Jacobsen , N R & Vogel , U 2022 , ' Assessment of primary and inflammation-driven genotoxicity of carbon black
Record details
Subjects: Inhalation; Micronucleus; Comet assay
Hadrup , N , Sørli , J B & Sharma , A K 2022 , ' Pulmonary toxicity, genotoxicity, and carcinogenicity evaluation of molybdenum, lithium, and tungsten : A review ' ,
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More , S , Bampidis , V , Benford , D , Boesten , J , Bragard , C , Halldorsson , T , Hernandez‐Jerez , A , Hougaard‐Bennekou , S , Koutsoumanis , K , Naegeli , H , Nielsen , S , Schrenk , D ,
Record details
Subjects: Functionalization; Occupational health; Particle toxicology
Di Ianni , E , Møller , P H , Mortensen , A , Szarek , J , Clausen , P A , Saber , A T , Vogel , U B & Jacobsen , N R 2020 , ' Organomodified nanoclays induce less inflammation, acute phase response,
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Modrzynska , J , Berthing , T , Ravn-Haren , G , Raun Jacobsen , N , Konow Weydahl , I , Löschner , K , Mortensen , A , Saber , A T & Vogel , U 2018 , ' Primary
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