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Subjects: PFAS; Human biomonitoring; Temporal trends
Taucare , G , Chan , G , Nilsson , S , Toms , L-M L , Zhang , X , Mueller , J F & Jolliet , O 2024 , ' Temporal trends of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances concentrations : Insights from Australian
Record details
Subjects: Hexavalent chromium; Bath platers; Welding
Saber , A T , Levin , M , Kines , P , Aimonen , K , Givelet , L , Andersen , C , Huusom , A J , Carøe , T , Ebbehøj , N E , Christensen , F M , Jiang , Z , Lundh , T , Tinnerberg , H , Albin , M ,
Record details
Subjects: Human biomonitoring; Risk assessment; HBM4EU
Santonen , T , Mahiout , S , Alvito , P , Apel , P , Bessems , J , Bil , W , Borges , T , Bose-O'Reilly , S , Buekers , J , Cañas Portilla , A I , Calvo , A C , de Alba González , M ,
Record details
Subjects: Biomarkers; Effect biomarkers; Human biomonitoring programs
Rodríguez-Carrillo , A , Mustieles , V , Salamanca-Fernández , E , Olivas-Martínez , A , Suárez , B , Bajard , L , Baken , K , Blaha , L , Bonefeld-Jørgensen , E C , Couderq , S , D'Cruz , S C ,
Record details
Subjects: Chemical mixture risk assessment; Human risk; Antiandrogenic chemicals
Ma , Y , Taxvig , C , Rodríguez-Carrillo , A , Mustieles , V , Reiber , L , Kiesow , A , Michelle Löbl , N , Fernández , M F , Hansen , T V A , Valente , M J , Kolossa-Gehring , M , David , M &
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Subjects: Human biomonitoring (HBM); Children; Teenagers
Govarts , E , Gilles , L , Rodriguez Martin , L , Santonen , T , Apel , P , Alvito , P , Anastasi , E , Andersen , H R , Andersson , A-M , Andryskova , L , Antignac , J-P , Appenzeller , B , Barbone ,
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Subjects: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; Occupational exposure; Human biomonitoring
Louro , H , Gomes , B C , Saber , A T , Iamiceli , A L , Göen , T , Jones , K , Katsonouri , A , Neophytou , C M , Vogel , U , Ventura , C , Oberemm , A , Duca , R C , Fernandez , M F , Olea , N ,
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Subjects: Human biomonitoring; Chemicals mixtures; Data governance
Zare Jeddi , M , Hopf , N B , Louro , H , Viegas , S , Galea , K S , Pasanen-Kase , R , Santonen , T , Mustieles , V , Fernandez , M F , Verhagen , H , Bopp , S K , Antignac , J P , David , A , Mol ,
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Subjects: High-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS); Human biomonitoring; Non-targeted analyses
David , A , Chaker , J , Léger , T , Al-Salhi , R , Dalgaard , M D , Styrishave , B , Bury , D , Koch , H M , Jégou , B & Kristensen , D M 2021 , ' Acetaminophen metabolism revisited using
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Subjects: Human biomonitoring; Regulatory risk assessment; Data value chain
Zare Jeddi , M , Virgolino , A , Fantke , P , Hopf , N B , Galea , K S , Remy , S , Viegas , S , Mustieles , V , Fernandez , M F , von Goetz , N , Vicente , J L , Slobodnik , J , Rambaud , L , Denys ,
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