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Subjects: Aerosol; Biopolymer; Fine dust phenomenon
Amiri Tasuji , M , Ghadir , P , Hosseini , A , Javadi , A A , Habibnejad Korayem , A & Ranjbar , N 2024 , ' Experimental investigation of sandy soil stabilization using
Record details
Subjects: Soil ecosystem; Soil organisms; Soil health
Li , T , Cui , L , Xu , Z , Liu , H , Cui , X & Fantke , P 2023 , ' Micro- and nanoplastics in soil : Linking sources to damage on soil
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Subjects: Denitrification; Ecosystem functioning; Maize
Bender , S F , Schulz , S , Martínez-Cuesta , R , Laughlin , R J , Kublik , S , Pfeiffer-Zakharova , K , Vestergaard , G , Hartman , K , Parladé , E , Römbke , J , Watson , C J , Schloter , M & van
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Subjects: Soil conditions; Plant micropbiome; Monoterpenes
Su , J , Wang , Y , Bai , M , Peng , T , Li , H , Xu , H J , Guo , G , Bai , H , Rong , N , Sahu , S K , He , H , Liang , X , Jin , C , Liu , W , Strube , M L , Gram , L , Li , Y , Wang , E , Liu , H
Record details
Subjects: Temperature vegetation dryness index; Land surface temperature; Data mining sharpener
Cheng , L , Liu , S , Mo , X , Hu , S , Zhou , H , Xie , C , Nielsen , S , Grosen , H & Bauer-Gottwein , P 2023 , ' Assessing the Potential of 10-m Resolution TVDI Based on Downscaled LST to Monitor
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Subjects: Plutonium isotopes; Source; Vertical distribution
Zhang , W , Hou , X , Dang , H , Chen , N & Zhang , H 2023 , ' Distribution and migration of 239,240 Pu in soil profiles in North China ' , Science of the Total
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Subjects: Alphaproteobacteria; KEYWORDS Bosea; Nanopore
Alvarez-Arevalo , M , Sterndorff , E B , Faurdal , D , Mourched , A S , Charusanti , P , Jørgensen , T S & Weber , T 2023 , ' Complete, circular genome sequence of a Bosea sp. isolate from
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Subjects: Hysteretic damping; Macroelement; Monopile
Bergua , R , Robertson , A , Jonkman , J , Platt , A , Page , A , Qvist , J , Amet , E , Cai , Z , Han , H , Beardsell , A , Shi , W , Galván , J , Bachynski‐Polić , E , McKinnon , G , Harnois , V
Record details
Subjects: Loess Plateau; Pu isotopes; Soil erosion
Liu , Y , Hou , X , Qiao , J , Zhang , W , Fang , M & Lin , M 2022 , ' Evaluation of soil erosion rates in the hilly-gully region of the Loess Plateau in China in the
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