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Subjects: Humans; Cats; Animals
Spada , E , Galluzzo , P , Torina , A , Loria , G R , Perego , R , Grippi , F , Blanda , V , Baggiani , L , D'Amico , A , Pennisi , M G , Helps , C R , Malik , R , Westman , M , Gandolfi , B , Spencer
Record details
Subjects: comparative genomics; comparative methods; DSML2: Proof-of-concept: Data science output has been formulated
Hongo , J A , de Castro , G M , Albuquerque Menezes , A P , Rios Picorelli , A C , Martins da Silva , T T , Imada , E L , Marchionni , L , Del-Bem , L E , Vieira Chaves , A , Almeida , G M D F ,
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Tilley , L A , Karamatic Crew , V , Mankelow , T J , AlSubhi , S A , Jones , B , Borowski , A , Yahalom , V , Finkel , L , Singleton , B K , Walser , P J , Toye , A M , Satchwell , T J & Thornton , N
Record details
Subjects: Dental Caries/genetics; Genomics; Humans
Divaris , K , Haworth , S , Shaffer , J R , Anttonen , V , Beck , J D , Furuichi , Y , Holtfreter , B , Jönsson , D , Kocher , T , Levy , S M , Magnusson , P K E , McNeil , D W , Michaëlsson , K ,
Record details
Subjects: CFTR chloride ion channel; cystic fibrosis; epithelial ion transport
Noel , S , Rodrat , M , Ng , D , Li , H , Sheppard , D N & Sermet-Gaudelus , I 2021 , ' Correlating genotype with phenotype using CFTR-mediated whole-cell Cl- currents
Record details
Subjects: /dk/atira/pure/core/keywords/nutrition_and_behaviour; name=Nutrition and Behaviour; /dk/atira/pure/core/keywords/physical_and_mental_health
Hengist , A , Davies , R G , Walhin , J-P , Buniam , J , Merrell , L H , Rogers , L , Bradshaw , L , Moreno-Cabañas , A , Rogers , P J , Brunstrom , J M , Hodson , L , van Loon , L J C , Barton , W ,
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Reding , C , Satapoomin , N & Avison , M B 2024 , ' Hound : A novel tool for automated mapping of genotype to phenotype in bacterial genomes assembled de novo ' ,
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Subjects: /dk/atira/pure/core/keywords/population_health_SRI; name=Bristol Population Health Science Institute
Carey , C , Shafee , R , Wedow , R , Elliott , A , Palmer , D S , Compitello , J , Kanai , M , Abbott , L , Schultz , P , Karczewski , K J , Bryant , S C , Cusick , C , Churchhouse , C , Howrigan , D
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Keeling , H , William , E-J & Itasaki , N 2024 , ' Consideration of the thoracic phenotype of cerebro-costo-mandibular syndrome ' , Clinical Anatomy , vol. 37 , no. 3 ,
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Smith , E , Surm , J , Macrander , J , Simhi , A , Amir , G , Sachkova , MY , Lewandowska , M , Reitzel , A & Moran , Y 2023 , ' Micro and macroevolution of sea anemone venom
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