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Subjects: artificial intelligence; innovative training network; interdisciplinary
Andreoli , L , Berca , C , Katz , S , Korshevniuk , M , Head , R M & Van Steen , K 2024 , ' Bridging the gap in precision medicine :
Record details
Subjects: Humans; Precision Medicine/methods; Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors
Nakajima , E C , Simpson , A , Bogaerts , J , de Vries , E G E , Do , R , Garalda , E , Goldmacher , G , Kinahan , P E , Lambin , P , LeStage , B , Li , Q , Lin , F , Litière , S , Perez-Lopez , R ,
Record details
Subjects: Child; Humans; Precision Medicine
Kneyber , M C J , Khemani , R G , Bhalla , A , Blokpoel , R G T , Cruces , P , Dahmer , M K , Emeriaud , G , Grunwell , J , Ilia , S , Katira , B H , Lopez-Fernandez , Y M , Rajapreyar , P ,
Record details
Subjects: infectious disease; long COVID; precision medicine
on behalf of the P4O2 consortium , Baalbaki , N , Blankestijn , J M , Abdel-Aziz , M I , de Backer , J , Bazdar , S , Beekers , I , Beijers , R J H C G , van den Bergh , J P , Bloemsma , L D , Bogaard
Record details
Emamipour , S 2023 , ' Economic evaluations of precision medicine: case studies in diabetes ' , Doctor of Philosophy , University of
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Martorana , D & Bajema , I M 2024 , ' Giant cell arteritis : when genomics drives precision medicine ' , The Lancet Rheumatology , vol. 6
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Subjects: Mood disorders; Psychotic disorders; Inflammation
Ioannou , M , Foiselle , M , Mallet , J , Stam , E L , Godin , O , Dubertret , C , Terro , E , Sommer , I E C , Haarman , B C M , Leboyer , M & Schoevers , R A 2021 , ' Towards
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Bakker , E , Starokozhko , V , Kraaijvanger , J W M , Heerspink , H J L & Mol , P G M 2023 , ' Precision medicine in regulatory decision
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