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Nguyen, N H, Smits, W & Vancauteren, M 2024, 'Fixed-term contracts and firm productivity : Do workers’ skills and firm conversion rates from fixed-term to permanent contracts matter?', International
Record details
Subjects: Female; Humans; Early Detection of Cancer
Zheng, S, Zhang, X, Greuter, M J W, de Bock, G H & Lu, W 2024, 'Willingness of healthcare providers to perform population-based cancer screening : a cross-sectional study in primary healthcare
Record details
Subjects: Geriatric oncology; SIOG; National representatives
Mizutani, T, Cheung, K-L, Hakobyan, Y, Lane, H, Decoster, L, Karnakis, T, Puts, M, Calderon, O, Jørgensen, T L, Boulahssass, R, Wedding, U, Karampeazis, A, Chan, W W L, Banerjee, J, Falci, C, van
Record details
Subjects: Artificial intelligence; Bronchi; Computed tomography
Dudurych, I, Garcia-Uceda, A, Petersen, J, Du, Y, Vliegenthart, R & de Bruijne, M 2023, 'Reproducibility of a combined artificial intelligence and optimal-surface graph-cut method to automate
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Sandar , W-P , Win , H H , Mon , A S , Alma , M A , Vervoort , J P M , Koot , J A R , Rusnak , M , Walton , P & Swe , K H 2023 , ' Role of inclusive self-help groups in prevention and management of
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Subjects: methods: data analysis; catalogs; surveys
Mostert, R I J, Duncan, K J, Alegre, L, Röttgering, H J A, Williams, W L, Best, P N, Hardcastle, M J & Morganti, R 2022, 'Radio source-component association for the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey with
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Subjects: Acceptance; Acceptability; Autonomous Driving
Post , J , Veldstra , J & Ünal , B 2021 , Acceptability and Acceptance of Connected Automated Vehicles : A Literature Review and Focus Groups . in H Plácido Silva , L Constantine & A Holzinger (eds)
Record details
Subjects: jihadism; the Islamic State; Rumiyah
Nanninga , P 2018 , ' “Among the Believers Are Men” : How the Islamic State Uses Early-Islamic Traditions to Shape Its Martyr Biographies ' , Numen , vol. 65 , no. 2-3 , pp. 165-184 .
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