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Subjects: Environmental impacts; Life cycle assessment; Material intensity coefficients (MICs)
Hoxha , E , Francart , N , Tozan , B , Stapel , E B , Gummidi , S R B & Birgisdottir , H 2024 , ' Spatiotemporal tracking of building materials and their related environmental impacts ' , Science of
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Subjects: demand side management; regional need; domain analysis
Ma , Z G , Christensen , K , Vaerbak , M , Fatras , N , Howard , D A & Jorgensen , B N 2023 , Ecosystem based Opportunity Identification and Feasibility Evaluation for
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White , H D , Steg , P G , Szarek , M , Bhatt , D L , Bittner , V A , Diaz , R , Edelberg , J M , Erglis , A , Goodman , S G , Hanotin , C , Harrington , R A , Jukema , J W , Lopes , R D , Mahaffey ,
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Subjects: Journal Article; Myocardial infarction; Atherosclerosis
Larsen , T R , Gerke , O , Diederichsen , A C P , Lambrechtsen , J , Steffensen , F H , Sand , N P , Saaby , L , Antonsen , S & Mickley , H 2018 , ' The association between uric acid levels and
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