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Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) of a Questionnaire Used to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude of Medical
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Authors :
Alessandro Sparacio, Principal Investigator
Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Stress Reduction in Adult Singaporeans a Pilot Study
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Korean Translation and Validation of the Household Emergency Preparedness Instrument (K- HEPI) by a Phase 1 Feasibility Study in New York CityCohen, J. (1988). Statistical Power
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Authors :
Rosario Caruso, Principal Investigator
Multiphase Research to Develop a Self-report Measure of the Preparedness for Self-Monitoring and Self-Management of Oral Anticoagulation in Adults (The PERSONAE Project)Ark, L. A. van der,
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Authors :
Celil Kaçoğlu, Associated profesor
Evaluation of The Psychometric Properties of The Turkish Version of The Brief-Caffeine Expectancy Questionnaire (B-CaffeQ): An Adaptation Study in Recreationally Active Individuals
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Authors :
ESRA PEHLIVAN, Principal investigator
Turkish Validity and Reliability of the Saint George Respiratory Questionnaire Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Version (SGRQ-I)
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Authors :
Sabrina Guzzetti, Psychologist, principal investigator
Functional and Behavioural Scales Validation in Italian.Foderaro G, Isella V, Mazzone A, Biglia E, Di Gangi M, Pasotti F, Sansotera F, Grobberio M, Raimondi V, Mapelli C, Ferri F, Impagnatiello
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Psychometric Evaluation of the Spanish Version of the Physiotherapy Critical Thinking in Clinical Practice Questionnaire: Multicenter Study
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Authors :
Canberk Akdeniz, Principal Investigator. PhD Candidate at Hacettepe University Institute of Health Sciences, Türkiye, enrolled in the Nursing Fundamentals and Management Integrated PhD Program.
The Effect of "NurseLead in Progress" Game on the Development of Transformational Leadership Behaviors of Nursing Students: A Randomized Controlled StudyTunn R, Boutron I, Chan AW, Collins GS,
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Authors :
Muzaffer GENCER, Associate Professor Doctor
Comparison of Postoperative Analgesic Efficacy of Pericapsular Nerve Block (PENG) and Suprainguinal Fascia Iliaca Compartment Block(SFICB) in Intertrochanteric Femur FracturesGiron-Arango L,
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