Subjects: apothecaries; New World; Materia Medica
Record details
Subjects: Peru, Guatemala, Mexico, Ecuador, Andes, minerals, Michael L. Dougherty, Henry Veltmeyer, Paul S. Ciccantell, Daniel Patten, Liisa L. North, Ricardo Grinspun, Carlos Larrea, J. Z. Garrod, Laura Macdonald, Pablo Heidrich, Paola Ortiz Loaiza, Bret Gustafson, Natalia GuzmSolano, Jennifer Morgan, Gavin Hilson, James McQuilken, Matthew Himley, Sarah Anderson, Manuel Pérez-Rocha, Bernadette Maheandiran, Rebecca Tatham; Development economics and emerging economies; Applied ecology
Subjects: school-based health promotion; Ecuador; social justice
Subjects: History; Latin America; South America
Subjects: darkskinned in the Americas, geographies of relation, women of color feminist theory, borderlands, diaspora, diaspora and borderlands convergences, new mestiza consciousness, African diaspora in the Americas, transamerican literatures and cultures, chicana feminism, Afro-Mexican, Afro-Peruvian, Black Latinx, Black Cuban, Black Puerto Rican, radical relationality, gender and raceethnicity, literature and film about African diaspora in the Americas, Toña La Negra, Gloria Anzaldúa, Sandra Cisneros, Daniel Alarcón, Mitch Teplitsky, Nelly Rosario, Evelio Grillo, Reyita, James Weldon Johnson, Jose Yglesias, Mestizaje and Anti-Blackness, Blackness in Mexican Film, Black and Indigenous Convergences in Peru and Mexico, African Diaspora in Latin America, Afromestizajes, Black and Latinx in the U.S.; Literature: history and criticism; Media studies
Subjects: United Fruit Company; Human Development Index; Gini coefficient
Subjects: History; Andes; Ayacucho
Subjects: Invalid vote, blank vote, spoiled vote, null vote, protest vote, political protest, invalid vote campaign, null vote campaign, blank vote campaign, against-all campaign, none of the above, NOTA, Latin America, Peru, democracy, democratic backsliding, political behavior, elections, voting, voting behavior, WCED, presidential elections, Arequipa, Mexico, election intimidation; Politics and government; Elections and referenda / suffrage
Subjects: Human Rights; Social Movements; Mining
Subjects: Climate change; Displacement; Immobility