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Search Results

  • 1-10 of  309 results for ""Disclosure""
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Dissertation/ Thesis

Heteronormative beliefs and the impact on self-acceptance and disclosure of male homosexuality in Portugal and Turkey

Subjects: Heteronormative beliefs; Homonegativity; Coming-out

  • Source: TORRES ROSADO, César Alexander - Heteronormative beliefs and the impact on self-acceptance and disclosure of male homosexuality in Portugal and Turkey [Em linha].

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Dissertation/ Thesis

Key audit matters' disclosure impact on investors' reactions, audit quality and audit fees: evidence from Europe

Subjects: Key audit matters; Investors' reactions; Audit quality

  • Source: Carvalho, A. R. M. (2021). Key audit matters' disclosure impact on investors' reactions, audit quality and audit fees: evidence from Europe [Dissertação de mestrado,

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Dissertation/ Thesis

Coming out (or not) of Russian LGBT immigrants: What is changing regarding disclosure with an immigration experience

Subjects: Coming out; LGBT; Identity process theory3000; 3020

  • Source: Skornyakova, U. (2021). Coming out (or not) of Russian LGBT immigrants: What is changing regarding disclosure with an immigration experience [Dissertação de mestrado,

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Dissertation/ Thesis

Corporate responsability in the fast fashion industry: how media pressure affected corporate disclosure after the collapse of Rana Plaza

Subjects: Corporate social responsibility; Corporate disclosure; Rana Plaza

  • Source: AUKE, Elise Marita Faret - Corporate responsability in the fast fashion industry : how media pressure affected corporate disclosure after the collapse of Rana Plaza [Em

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  • 1-10 of  309 results for ""Disclosure""