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Search Results

  • 1-10 of  115 results for ""EMPLOYEES""
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Academic Journal

The experience of Icelandic expats employees in distant countries ; Upplifun og reynsla íslenskra útsendra starfsmanna í fjarlægum löndum

Subjects: Mannauðsstjórnun; útsendir starfsmenn; framandi lönd

  • Source: The Icelandic Society; Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020): Special issue on culture and mobility; 60-77 ; Íslenska þjóðfélagið; Bnd. 11 Nr. 1 (2020): Sérhefti um menningu og

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Academic Journal

Cultural adaptation of foreign employees from Poland: Iceland as a destination ; Menningaraðlögun erlends vinnuafls frá Póllandi: Ísland sem áfangastaður

Subjects: Immigrants; Polish immigrants; cultural adaptation

  • Source: Research in applied business and economics; Vol. 16 No. 1 (2019); 89-110 ; Tímarit um viðskipti og efnahagsmál; Bnd. 16 Nr. 1 (2019); 89-110 ; 1670-4851 ; 1670-4444

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Academic Journal

Senior employees and knowledge transfer in energy companies ; Eldri starfmenn og yfirfærsla þekkingar í orkufyrirtækjum

Subjects: Senior employees; knowledge transfer; energy companies

  • Source: Research in applied business and economics; Vol. 13 No. 2 (2016); 71-96 ; Tímarit um viðskipti og efnahagsmál; Bnd. 13 Nr. 2 (2016); 71-96 ; 1670-4851 ; 1670-4444

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  • 1-10 of  115 results for ""EMPLOYEES""