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Search Results

  • 1-10 of  493 results for ""human biomonitoring""
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Electronic Resource

Exposure to bisphenol A in European women from 2007 to 2014 using human biomonitoring data – The European Joint Programme HBM4EU

Subjects: Bisphenol A (BPA); Exposure determinants; HBM4EU

  • Source: Tagne-Fotso , R , Riou , M , Saoudi , A , Zeghnoun , A , Frederiksen , H , Berman , T , Montazeri , P , Andersson , A M , Rodriguez-Martin , L , Akesson , A , Berglund , M , Biot , P , Castaño , A ,

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Electronic Resource

Comparison of DNA damage in fresh and frozen blood samples:implications for the comet assay in human biomonitoring studies

Subjects: Comet assay; Fresh samples; Frozen samples

  • Source: Matković , K , Gerić , M , Kazensky , L , Milić , M , Kašuba , V , Cvitković , A , Sanković , M , Šumanovac , A , Møller , P & Gajski , G 2024 , ' Comparison of DNA damage in fresh and

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Electronic Resource

The Comet Assay as a Tool in Human Biomonitoring Studies of Environmental and Occupational Exposure to Chemicals—A Systematic Scoping Review

Subjects: air pollution; anaesthetics; antineoplastic drugs

  • Source: Ladeira , C , Møller , P , Giovannelli , L , Gajski , G , Haveric , A , Bankoglu , E E , Azqueta , A , Gerić , M , Stopper , H , Cabêda , J , Tonin , F S & Collins , A 2024 , ' The Comet Assay as

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Electronic Resource

Temporal trends of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances concentrations:Insights from Australian human biomonitoring 2002–2021 and the U.S. NHANES programs 2003–2018

Subjects: PFAS; Human biomonitoring; Temporal trends

  • Source: Taucare , G , Chan , G , Nilsson , S , Toms , L-M L , Zhang , X , Mueller , J F & Jolliet , O 2024 , ' Temporal trends of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances concentrations : Insights from Australian

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Electronic Resource

A preliminary estimate of the environmental burden of disease associated with exposure to pyrethroid insecticides and ADHD in Europe based on human biomonitoring

Subjects: dk/atira/pure/sustainabledevelopmentgoals/good_health_and_well_being; article; article

  • Source: Purece , A , Thomsen , S T , Plass , D , Spyropoulou , A , Machera , K , Palmont , P , Crépet , A , Benchrih , R , Devleesschauwer , B , Wieland , N , Scheepers , P , Deepika , D , Kumar , V ,

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Electronic Resource

Harmonized human biomonitoring in European children, teenagers and adults:EU-wide exposure data of 11 chemical substance groups from the HBM4EU Aligned Studies (2014-2021)

Subjects: Human biomonitoring (HBM); Children; Teenagers

  • Source: Govarts , E , Gilles , L , Rodriguez Martin , L , Santonen , T , Apel , P , Alvito , P , Anastasi , E , Andersen , H R , Andersson , A-M , Andryskova , L , Antignac , J-P , Appenzeller , B , Barbone ,

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  • 1-10 of  493 results for ""human biomonitoring""